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Sunday 12 January 2014

281: Still Christmas!

One more party to come and that is old New Year, on 13th January. Until then Christmas trees and all the other associated paraphernalia are still to be seen. This photo was taken in Metropolis shopping centre yesterday. Note the angel hanging off to the side of the tree.
I've just come back from a short run. Sitting in the dentist's waiting room last week I came across a copy of Runners' World. I used to subscribe in my younger days but hadn't read the magazine for years. Anyway, there was a chart showing how to go from zero to being a runner. I took a photo of it and have decided to use it to get back into running. How long will the motivation last? Only time will tell. I have ordered a treadmill, which is due to be delivered on Tuesday. Spending that much money will surely motivate me to keep going and strive (stride) for fitness again.
There has been a light fall of snow and it was interesting to see the footprints in the snow as I was running in the park: bird footprints and dog footprints, but NO BEAR.
Saw this "I love Moscow" painted on a wall recently. Can't say I feel the same way about the city but, on the other hand, I don't hate it either. Well, not often anyway. Note the wind turbines - modern art!

For my video clip I have chosen Jona Lewie singing Stop the Cavalry. A family favourite that we treat as a harbinger of Christmas. When we hear it we know that Christmas is just around the corner (на носу?)

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