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Friday 20 January 2012

72:minus eleven and falling

The 8MP camera on my phone takes a reasonable picture - until I use the zoom and then the slightest shake of an old man's hand makes the picture blurry. So you'll have to take my word for it that the picture below shows today's temperature at -11 degrees Celsius. A bit parky I thought, although a friend did remind me yesterday that parts of Canada are currently enjoying -43 degrees. (Note for the technically minded: -40 is when the Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales converge.) 
There is a lot of ice on the pavements. It is the time of year to start mincing, a la poofter! I will be glad when I can walk properly again. 
The play on words in the title of today's blog suggests, to me at any rate, both the falling mercury and people falling over because of the icy conditions.

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