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Tuesday 17 January 2012

69:stalactites trickle

Whenever I see icicles (сосульки) hanging I am always mentally transported back to my school days when they explained to us how to remember the difference between stalagmites and stalactites. StalagMites mount (i.e. climb up) and stalacTites trickle (i.e. trickle down). So there! 
In today's picture you will see lots of icicles hanging from overhead pipes. It is common to see (heating) pipes overground and to see them bent into an inverted U-shape to avoid obstacles or perhaps to allow traffic to flow beneath them. 
The mercury (in the thermometer) is finally falling to bring us a more typical Russian Winter. On the GISMeteo forecast for the next 2 weeks there are only minuses, with the coldest being -16 during the day on Tuesday 24th. Experience has shown that GISMeteo is not too accurate with its forecasts - I think they just cut and paste whichever numbers take their fancy - unless it's a secret code of course! 

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